Leicester Secular Society
for an inclusive and plural society free from religious privilege, prejudice and discrimination.
(established 1851)
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Audio/Visual Archive

Links to a variety of audio/visual recordings relating to lectures or campaigns.

Video of a talk on "Equality Conflicts" by Paul Crofts (10/12/23)) an independent Equality and Diversity consultant and trainer. He examines whether or not human rights and equality law principles help us understand them better, transcend them and/or resolve or eliminate them.

Video of a lively illustrated Q&A talk from cartoonist / graphic novelist Polyp about his forthcoming 'fantastical' visual biography of forgotten enlightement, democratic hero Thomas Paine, exploring his beliefs, his conflicts with religion and his amazingly dramatic life story. (21/11/21))

Video of Darwin Anniversary Lecture 2021 delivered by Dr George Beccaloni can be found on this link. Dr. Beccaloni talks about Alfred Russel Wallace (1823 - 1913), one of the greatest scientists of all time. His seminal contributions to biology rival those of his friend and colleague Charles Darwin, though he is far less well known.

Ed Mayo, Co-operatives UK Secretary General, expanding on his Journal article on the long history of co-operation, “Twelve Cases of Early Co-operation and Mutuality”- UKSCS Lecture 24 June 2019
Ed Mayo's book, 'A short history of co-operation and mutuality', is available to download for free at https://www.uk.coop/shorthistory

Hari Parekh: Faith, Family, and Folk Tales: The Problem with Leaving Religion Behind - 7/1/2018.

Alice Sluckin, Czech and British perspectives on Chamberlain's Appeasement, 15 March 2009
Listen Listen to Alice's talk here (opens in a new tab or window).

Dr Humberto Ríos Labrada: Agriculture and Ecology in Cuba, 6 February 2007
Watch View Humberto's talk on YouTube (opens in a new tab or window).

Page updated 9/7/2020.