Leicester Secular Society
for an inclusive and plural society free from religious privilege, prejudice and discrimination.
(established 1851)
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Documents Archive

Links to a variety of documents of interest, often relating to lectures or campaigns.

On this page:

AGM Reports Lectures Miscellaneous other archives Recent Minutes

AGM Reports

2015 Report

2016 Chair's Report

2022 President's Report

Documents relating to Lectures

Ghaith Al TamimiThe challenges of integrating Islam in modern life? 19 March 2017 -a scholar and researcher in Islamic studies and the chair of the Iraqi Centre for Diversity Management.

Caroline Moles and Michael Gerard, The Politics of Food 9 May 2010
Notes and Bibliography (pdf, 282kb).

Steve Hurd, 17 May 2009
Steve Hurd, Chairperson of the Uganda Humanist Schools Trust (UK), spoke on Supporting Humanist Schools in Uganda. He wrote to us in July 2009:
Subject: UHST First 6 months progress report
Dear supporter
I should like to thank you for supporting the Uganda Humanist Schools.
Attached is a brief report on progress (pdf, 510kb) during our Charitable Trust's first 6 months of operation.
I was in Uganda last week and it is evident that the help we are providing is beginning to make a real difference to the education of children in the schools and I do hope that you will continue to help us to maintain the progress in future.
We would be very happy to hear from you if you have any questions or suggestions to make.
Your sincerely,
Steve Hurd.


Anil Bhanot, 22 February 2009
Anil Bhanot, General Secretary of the Hindu Council UK, spoke on Hinduism and Secularism (pdf 162kb), finding that the two philosophies have much in common.

Michael Reiss, Darwin Lecture, 12 February 2009
Prof. Reiss spoke on Science, Religion & Education, and asked us to host his related School Science Review paper Teaching evolution in a creationist environment: an approach based on worldviews, not misconceptions. (pdf 860kb)

Alice Sluckin, Czech and British perspectives on Chamberlain's Appeasement, 15 March 2009
Listen Listen to Alice's talk here (opens in a new tab or window).

Dr Humberto Ríos Labrada: Agriculture and Ecology in Cuba, 6 February 2007
Watch View Humberto's talk on YouTube (opens in a new tab or window).

Miscellaneous Documents

Open Letter to Tony Blair, January 2010
We reproduce an article from Humanism Ireland (pdf) by Kenneth Houston. Mr Houston was responding to comments made at the Common Word conference of Christian and Muslim groups at Georgetown University last October (see the official report and webcast from the conference).
Heresy Project Press Release, 28 January 2009
Atheist comedy duo The Heresy Project were told that their show title Kill Your God couldn’t go into the Leicester Comedy Festival programme. Press Release.
One Law For All Press Release, 28 January 2009
One Law for All - Campaign against Sharia law in Britain was launched on 1 December 2008. Press Release.
Bishop of Leicester, 1 November 2008
Does Society Truly Want To Be Godless asks Bishop Tim Stephens in his weekly column in the Leicester Mercury
. This was in response to the BHA's Atheist Bus campaign. This provoked a number of replies from members of Leicester Secular Society and others.
Letter to "The Freethinker" from Mimnermus, April 1918
John Smith, who wrote as 'Mimnermus', had this published in the April 21 issue of The Freethinker (Vol.37. No.16).

Other archives

Leicester Secularist - Journal of Leicester Secular Society (and earlier newsletters).

Leicester Secularist Blog.

Programme of past lectures and other events.

Diary of activities of members of the society.

Exhibition pictures and documents.

Our Library.

Copy of our original website, created by George Jelliss. Please be aware that it is not updated, and information such as contacts and links may no longer be correct.

Extract from Tom Leonard's Places of the Mind: The Life and Work of James Thomson (B.V.), dealing with the poet's visit to Leicester for the opening of the Secular Hall in 1881.


Page updated28/12/2024.