Leicester Secular Society
for an inclusive and plural society free from religious privilege, prejudice and discrimination.
(established 1851)
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RULES of the Leicester Secular Society.

in 1902

  1. The object of the "Leicester Secular Society" shall be the advancement of Rationalist and Ethical principles by means of lectures, discussions, classes for adults and children, library, publication and distribution of literature, social meetings, etc.
  2. Any person over the age of 18 may become a member through election by the Committee, if proposed and nominated by members of the Society, and after giving such assent to the Society's principles and rules as shall satisfy the Committee of the candidate's sincerity.

    Minimum subscription: Ladies, 6d. monthly; gentlemen, 9d. monthly; payable in advance, unless otherwise arranged by the Committee.

  3. An associate shall be elected in the same way as a member, but need only express general friendliness towards the Society's object, without complete assent to its Secular principles. Associates can use the premises and attend the socials, but shall have no power to vote or attend business meetings, or to introduce visitors. Subscription: Ladies, 3/- per year; gentlemen, 3/-per half-year; payable in advance.
  4. Persons living more than two miles from the borough boundary may become Out-of-town Associates for 2/- yearly, payable in advance.
  5. Old members may be elected as free members by a General Meeting, as a mark of the Society's esteem. Free members may attend business meetings 4and vote.
  6. Persons who have done, or are doing, important service to the cause of Secularism may be elected by the Committee as honorary members, and shall have full use of the premises, but no voting power.
  7. The Committee may expel any member or associate.
  8. Complaints as to bad behaviour on the Society's premises shall be laid before a Committee consisting of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and (if desired) one person nominated by the complainant, and another by the accused, these representatives to be members of the Society. This Committee shall have power to suspend any members involved for any time they think right; to expel any such person from membership; to forbid the introduction of specified persons as visitors, or to require reparation. There shall be no appeal from their decision. A majority can give a decision, but the President shall have no casting-vote.
  9. The unpaid officers shall be a President, Vice-President, and a Committee of ten, all elected annually; five of the Committee at the July General Meeting, and the rest at the January General Meeting. Also four Trustees, who shall hold the Society's property, who must be members of the Society, and who shall be ex-officio members of the Committee. The Trustees shall remain in office until resignation or death, or until the members at a General Meeting think proper to elect others.
  10. The Committee shall choose their own Secretary and Treasurer.
  11. Committee meetings shall be held at least once a fortnight. Two or more members of the Committee may request the Secretary in writing to summon a meeting, for a specified object, and the Secretary shall issue the necessary notices. Five shall form a quorum.
  12. Committee members absent more than three times running, without satisfactory reasons, may be removed from office by a vote of the Committee, and their places shall be filled by co-option. This rule does not apply to Trustees.
  13. The Society's accounts, certified by an auditor or auditors elected at each 5January General Meeting, shall be presented in a half-yearly balance-sheet in July, and a complete balance-sheet for the past year in January; the January balance-sheet to be printed.
  14. Persons who have been members less than six-months, or whose subscriptions are in arrear may not vote; and no person may serve on the Committee who has not been a member for a year preceding the election. Associates and honorary members have no vote.
  15. The President shall take the chair at all meetings, and have an extra casting-vote. In his absence the Vice-President assumes his duties.
  16. So long as the Society is able to provide a sufficient salary, the principal paid officer shall be the Organizing Secretary (Organizer). He shall be elected at a General Meeting, and shall be paid by and responsible to the Committee. He will attend the Committee meetings, be ex-officio member of all Sub- Committees, and may take part in any discussion, but will never vote.
  17. A list of the attendances of the retiring members of Committee shall be posted up 14 days before a half-yearly General Meeting; also a nomination paper, which shall be taken down three clear days before the meeting.
  18. Fifteen members may call a General Meeting by giving the Secretary a written requisition.
  19. Except by consent of the members present, no motion shall be made at a General Meeting unless 14 days notice has been given, or unless the motion is made on behalf of the Committee.
  20. These rules can only be altered or added to by a General Meeting called for the purpose; and a vote for alteration or addition can only be carried by a majority of members present, such majority to be not less than one-third of the whole list of members eligible to vote.


  1. The Manager or Caretaker, having charge of the Society's premises, will be paid by and responsible to the Committee.
  2. The premises shall open not later than 10a.m. Sundays, and 4 p.m. week- days, except on public holidays, and except Friday, when the opening time shall be 6 p.m., and on Saturday, when the opening time shall be 1 p.m.
  3. The premises shall close not later than 11 p.m. each week-day; Sunday, not later than 10.15 p.m.
  4. Extension of hours can only be arranged by the Committee.
  5. The Reading-room shall be free to the public on Sundays, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. No refreshments may be served, nor any games played, before 4 p.m. on Sundays.
  6. No games shall be played while the Society's Sunday evening meetings are proceeding.
  7. The serving of refreshments shall cease five minutes before the closing- time of the premises.
  8. A member's or associate's ticket must be produced at the request of the Secretary, Caretaker, or any member of the Committee.
  9. All forms of gambling and offensive language and conduct are strictly forbidden.
  10. The Caretaker may have any disorderly person expelled from the premises.
  11. No periodical or newspaper may be taken away. Books may be taken away by members or associates in accordance with the Library rules.
  12. A member may bring with him his wife, and children under the age of 18. It is hoped that parents will take their children home not later than 10 p.m., except on special occasions interesting to children. Cases of continued neglect of the desire here expressed will be reported lo the Committee.
  13. Members' children, aged 16 to 18, may use the premises in the same manner as associates on payment (in advance) of 1/- per half-year, if approved by the Committee.
  14. A member may introduce visitors, and no visitor may come more than once in four weeks; but this restriction does not apply to socials, classes and debates. Associates cannot introduce visitors. Persons visiting Leicester may be admitted by the Committee (acting through the President or Organizer) free for one week.
  15. Parents whose attention is drawn by the Organizer or Caretaker to their children's misbehaviour, and who do not remedy the annoyance, shall be reported to the next meeting of the Committee, and the children complained of may be forbidden to enter the premises.
  16. No expelled or suspended member may be introduced as a visitor.
  17. The Committee has power to make by-laws which are not contrary to the foregoing Rules and Regulations, or to any instruction from a General Meeting.
  18. The President or Organizer has authority to act in any emergency not provided for by the Rules, Regulations or By-laws, but must in all cases report such action to the next Committee.
  19. Alterations in the "Regulations as to Premises" can be made by a majority of members present at a General Meeting.

ANY person desirous of bequeathing a legacy to the Leicester Secular Society, is respectfully requested to make use of the following :—


I give and bequeath to the Treasurer for the time being, of the Leicester Secular Society, the sum of £______ to be raised and paid by and out of such ready money, goods, and personal effects, as I may or can by law charge with the payment of the same; which said sum I desire may be applied towards carrying on the designs of the said Secular Society.

Page updated 2/12/2018.