Leicester Secular Society
for an inclusive and plural society free from religious privilege, prejudice and discrimination.
(established 1851)
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National Secular Society Affiliated Group
British Humanist Association Affiliated Group
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Friend of British Institute of Human Rights

Supporter of Uganda Humanist Schools Trust

Freethinker Magazine


Secular Invocation Resource for use in public meetings instead of prayers.

Fake News

criticalinformation.org.uk - explores a range of complex and challenging issues that humanity is facing in the Information Age


Compassion in Dying Helps you prepare for the end of life. How to talk about it, plan for it, and record your wishes.

QuitSmokingCommunity.org - raises awareness of the consequences of smoking and helps communities become smoke-free

AlcoRehab.org - promotes a healthier lifestyle through education and awareness of problems relating to alcohol abuse

DrugRehab.com aims to share universal factual information and answers for people fighting substance misuse.

Miscellaneous History

Scan of "The Truth Seeker" = a radical journal pubished in the USA to which some Secularists such as Sidney Gimson subscribed.

Information for Members

Page updated 12/8/2018.