Leicester Secular Society


Where we are

Secular Hall, 75 Humberstone Gate, Leicester, LE1 1WB

Hire a Room

Transport Direct - Other services - Parking - An old map

Plan your journey with Transport Direct

Transport Direct

Plan public transport and car routes to Secular Hall with Transport Direct.

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Other map and travel services

These also open in new windows - let us know if your favourite isn't listed:

Google maps - Multimap* - Open Street Map - Streetmap*

Traffic and Travel from Leicester City Council

Cycle Journey Planner (not available yet - your views wanted)

If you know a link to a route planner for pedestrians, let us know.

* these come with advertising


The Secular Hall does not have its own parking spaces but pay and display street parking (free evenings and Sundays - check signs) is available nearby at the east end of Humberstone Gate (between the traffic lights and roundabout) and in some of the streets off to the north. Although people often park there, you may get a ticket if you park in the bus stand opposite the Hall.

An old map of Leicester City Centre

Showing location of Secular Hall (red arrow) in relation to bus and train stations and part of ring road. London Road, by the train station, becomes the the A6 south. Humberstone Road, at the other side of the roundabout, becomes the A47 east.


Some of the details on the map are out of date - we've lost so many public venues like cinemas and theatres in the city, although we will shortly have The Curve on the corner of Halford Street and Rutland Street.

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Page updated 11 September 2008 FF