Leicester Secular Society
for an inclusive and plural society free from religious privilege, prejudice and discrimination.
(established 1851)
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Join Leicester Secular Society

If you are sympathetic with the aims of the Society and are 16 or over, we would like you to support us by joining Leicester Secular Society.

How to join

Either download and print the Application Form if you prefer to settle by cheque (our current programme also includes a membership form) or join online.

Download (pdf)

Subscriptions Annual Half Year
if joining after
1st July
Individual £24 £12
Household £32 £16
Low income individual. If you would find it difficult to pay the full subscription you qualify as low income. £8 £4

Applications will be considered at the next board meeting following receipt.

Your details will be held on computer unless you indicate otherwise. They will be used solely for purposes of Leicester Secular Society.

Benefits of membership

Most of our activities, campaigns and publications are available to the public, but we depend on the support of our diverse members to fund and run our work. As a member of Leicester Secular Society you can participate fully in a democratic organisation dedicated to campaigning for desegregation of education and welfare, equality before the law and an end to religious privilege in all areas of public life.

Members may receive printed copies of the Leicester Secularist journal by post, although printing and postage is expensive and we ask you to consider subscribing by email.

Rules of the Society

The rules of the Society are embodied in the
Memorandum and Articles of Association.
Current Officers are listed here.

Join Online

You can pay by either crediting our Bank Account (Leicester Secular Society Limited) direct -Sort Code 60-83-01 Account Number 20195380 including your last name and post code as the payment reference or settle using -


Types of Membership
Last Name & Post Code

Page updated 6/8/19
