There is a separate page of links to websites and blogs run by individuals. However, it is not always possible to tell easily whether a site is run by an organisation or is just the work of an individual. Some very energetic individuals have very extensive sites that are more useful and informative than those set up by large organisations.
Please click on Contacts (on the left) if you have other organisations to list.
Atheist Alliiance International - Making a World of Difference With a Positive Voice for Atheism
The Brights - for all with naturalistic worldview
Congress of Secular Jewish Organizations
Council of Ex-Muslims. Freedom of Conscience. Freedom of Speech.
Faith Freedom - ex-Muslim Secularists and Humanists
FEMEN "Our God is woman, our mission is protest, our weapons are bare breasts!"
FEMEN English language pages.
Humanists International
International League of the Non-Religious and Atheists Internationaler Bund der Konfessionslosen und Atheisten e. V. (IBKA)
Secular Seasons - alternative festivities
Secular Student Alliance
Accord Coalition - working for inclusive education
Asian Rationalist Society Britain (ARSB)- a group of immigrants from the Indian sub-continent with the main aim of raising awareness of rationalist ideas and promoting universal humanist values amongst Asian communities in the UK.
Atheism UK - Challenging religious faith: the UK's only distinctively atheist campaigning organization
Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain - Universal rights and equal citizenship for all. .
The Freethinker - 'The voice of atheism since 1881'
Humanist Society of Scotland
Humanists UK
Little Atoms Secular Left - radio show
National Secular Society
New Humanist (Rationalist Press Association) - magazine
One Law For All Campaign against Sharia law in Britain
Pink Triangle Trust (PTT) - gay Humanist charity.
Republic - Campaign for an elected Head of State.
Runnymede Trust - Intelligence for a multi-ethnic Britain.
Conway Hall - Ethical Society
Partner Group to Humanists UK
Groups affiliated to Humanists UK
Leicester City of Sanctuary - 'We want Leicester to become known as a City of Sanctuary'.
Derby Secularists
Humanist Association of Northern Ireland
Secular Freedom - Nottingham Secular Society
Suffolk Humanists
Page updated 29/3/2020.