Leicester Secular Society
for an inclusive and plural society free from religious privilege, prejudice and discrimination.
(established 1851)
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National Secular Society Affiliated Group
British Humanist Association Affiliated Group
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Friend of British Institute of Human Rights

Supporter of Uganda Humanist Schools Trust

Freethinker Magazine


Humanism and Secularism share much common ground.
That's Humanism (logo)
Stephen Fry narrates four animated videos about humanism

As Freethinkers we can't be dogmatic in our definition of Secularism. Something along these lines has been proposed:

Leicester Secular Society welcomes as members anyone (in Leicestershire or beyond) who:

  • believes in practical humanity (the need for us to help each other);
  • advocates free speech and the need to keep religion and the state apart;
  • enjoys rational argument based on reality and the company of free thinking people;
  • supports an open society based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (opens in a new window).

What do you think? Come along and discuss it with members in our friendly hall, or read some of the pages below

For secularism on other websites see the links section.

Page updated 4/7/2020.