Leicester Secular Society
for an inclusive and plural society free from religious privilege, prejudice and discrimination.
(established 1851)
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National Secular Society Affiliated Group
British Humanist Association Affiliated Group
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Friend of British Institute of Human Rights

Supporter of Uganda Humanist Schools Trust

Freethinker Magazine

Secular Individuals

Websites & Blogs

The links on this page are to sites run by secular organisations and individuals. The sites are generally pro-secular, though some may be found to be soft on religion, while others are rabidly anti-religious, and some are serious-minded while others are satirical - or just maintained by people with a secular outlook.

Links on this page to external websites open in a new window or tab.

There is a separate page for organisations.

Members' websites

The Who's Who of Radical Leicester - Ned Newitt's site is about the many people who have been involved in the continuing struggle for social justice in the Leicester area.
Automatic Lover - sci-fi novella by our member Ariadne Tampion

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Educational Resources

Page updated 14/12/2022.